Honesty Hour: Podcasting, Blogging & Cryptocurrency

By Sam Kimmel

It’s good to be working on the blog again. As some of you may know, I have been pursuing the podcast realm over the last few months. I’ve been putting a lot of work into my movie reviews, video game reviews, video game news updates, and the other various episodes I have produced. Thank you to any of the readers that also listen to my podcast!

(You can find The KimmelNBits Podcast on Spotify, Amazon Music, and Google Podcasts with other platforms coming soon!)

I’ve been learning a lot about what it takes to podcast though, and it has definitely been a learning process. At this time, I actually record the podcasts just simply using my phone. I play the intro song off a laptop before turning the volume down slowly to fade it out until I start speaking…I know pretty it’s barebones right now. Anyways, I’m looking forward to stepping up my game whenever I can get the right recording equipment and editing software.

I also wanted to take a moment to thank the listeners specifically. I’ve heard from several of you now that have enjoyed my podcast, and it always makes my day a lot better whenever I can interact with the people that enjoy my content.

Now time for the downside though…

As most of you readers may have been able to tell already, I have let the blog take a backseat to everything else for little while. Truthfully, I just love to create content though. Writing up a blog post, or recording a podcast is very cathartic in ways. I’ve actually decided that I really don’t want to give up either one though. The blog posts will not be weekly, but I do plan to write one or two every month. As for the podcasts, I will be recording episodes pretty much every week.

Last bit about the podcast here…I am also happy to mention that there will be a new customized intro song for The KimmelNBits Podcast coming soon!

Aside from creating content though, I’ve also been dipping my toes in some investing. Cryptocurrency to be specific.

I’ve always been interested in the stock market, and I’ve even bought cheap stocks before. However, I just didn’t find it as safe of an investment. I’m not spending a lot of money at all right now on it, but it’s been eye-opening to learn about it over the past few weeks.

If this is a kind of topic that you all enjoy, then I can continue to keep you updated on how my small investments on crypto work out as well.

I did want to mention though that this certainly isn’t for everyone. I would make sure that you do your own research on the cryptocurrencies out there to determine where you should place your investment, but I would be more than happy to talk more in-depth about this with any of you out there that are interested? You can email me directly at: kimmelnbits@gmail.com.

As always, I am also open to any suggestions on a solid video game, movie, TV show, comic, or band that I should check out. If I like them, then I’ll even talk about them on the podcast or blog and give you a shoutout. Bonus points if you can find me an underrated video game that isn’t expensive!

Please feel free to send me any topics you would like covered on an upcoming blog or podcast as well. I always love hearing what the community is interested in discussing further.

Thank you all for reading, and thank you to those of you that have listened to the podcast as well. Please subscribe and share the blog or podcast with others because that is the best way to help this plant of creativity grow organically. I hope you all continue to keep kicking ass at life. See you again soon…

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