My Gaming Predictions for 2021 and the Rest of the Decade

By Sam Kimmel Greetings gamers! I’m so happy to be back in the new year after taking some time off for the holidays. I’ve been giving my future some serious thought over the past couple of months, and I think this year will really be fun for me creatively. I can’t say too much aboutContinue reading “My Gaming Predictions for 2021 and the Rest of the Decade”

The Mandalorian Review: A Season Two Remember (SPOILERS)

MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD!! Do NOT read any further if you haven’t seen season two of The Mandalorian yet because I will be touching on some major plot points from this past season. Before we get going here I also wanted to mention that I’m going to try to keep this shorter than some of myContinue reading “The Mandalorian Review: A Season Two Remember (SPOILERS)”

My Ranking of The Star Wars Movies

Welcome back everyone! I hope you are all doing well and staying safe during these trying times. I wanted to take this week to rank all of the Star Wars movies from worst-to-best. For this list I will be including every film from the Skywalker saga, but I will also be including the two standaloneContinue reading “My Ranking of The Star Wars Movies”

Thankful for Gaming, Thankful for Life.

By: Sam Kimmel Hello again everyone! I took a few days longer than I had wanted to get started with this blog post. You see, my last post (“The Fall of Funhaus: Welcome to Hellhaus”) was met with a variety of strong opinions…both positive and negative. It wasn’t an easy piece for me to writeContinue reading “Thankful for Gaming, Thankful for Life.”

The Fall of Funhaus: Welcome to Hellhaus

Well, this hurts like hell to write. I won’t lie. I’ve been a diehard fan of the Funhaus channel since its creation. I can still remember following Adam Kovic and Bruce Greene during their tenure with Machinima as just a small video game, news-centric YouTube channel back in 2008. I was just in junior highContinue reading “The Fall of Funhaus: Welcome to Hellhaus”

If Video Games Were Candy

By Sam Kimmel Hello readers! Halloween is finally approaching. In a year that has felt like it just won’t end at times, I thought it would be fun for us to take a creative twist on the gaming industry. In this post, I have decided to take some video game titles and relate them toContinue reading “If Video Games Were Candy”

The Journey Towards Gender Equality in Gaming: We’ve Got Work to Do Gamers

By Sam Kimmel I know this is going to be somewhat odd being written from a male’s perspective, but I feel like this is exactly why this opinion needs to be out there. Before I really dive into this post here let me be clear about one thing: not all video games are sexist, andContinue reading “The Journey Towards Gender Equality in Gaming: We’ve Got Work to Do Gamers”

Keeping Myself Afloat: A Relationship with Gaming and Life

By Sam Kimmel As long as I can remember, I’ve always had some sort of gaming system in my life. Over the years I have learned more about my passion for the gaming industry and lately I have begun to understand what these games have meant to me throughout my life. I can recall beingContinue reading “Keeping Myself Afloat: A Relationship with Gaming and Life”

Top 10 Games I’ve Ever Played

By Sam Kimmel That’s right…it’s another “top 10” list. These are always disagreed with and debated in the comments, but screw it I’m going to take a shot at one here too! Let it be known that there are a ton of amazing games out there that I have played, and some I have NOTContinue reading “Top 10 Games I’ve Ever Played”

Introduce Yourself (Example Post)

This is an example post, originally published as part of Blogging University. Enroll in one of our ten programs, and start your blog right. You’re going to publish a post today. Don’t worry about how your blog looks. Don’t worry if you haven’t given it a name yet, or you’re feeling overwhelmed. Just click theContinue reading “Introduce Yourself (Example Post)”

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